New Beginnings
It's not too late for a new beginning
It's not too late to stop and turn around
It's not too late to start a new with singing
It's not too late for a new sound
It's not too late for a new beginning
It's not too late for a new start
For a new start
It's not too late for some self reflection
It's not too late to play a different part
It's not too late to change your direction
It's not too late to choose another card
It's not too late for a new beginning
It's not too late for a new start
For a new start
Video of the song 'New Beginnings'
Made by Martin Bosker from
The making of "New Beginnings" video.
Video recordings made in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
New Beginnings
Title: New Beginnings
Song & Lyrics: Stefan van de Sande
Album: On The Road
Year release: 2015
Year composing: 2014
Info: Written in Denmark. I just had my new Martin Guitar and was on a nice spot at the sea close to Arhus. That time I had a lot of sorrows about my financial situation. One day I woke up and thought;
'why should I make sorrows, I can start all over again'